Usersnap Feature
  • 11 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Usersnap Feature

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Article summary

What is Usersnap:

Usersnap empowers users, testers, and stakeholders to effortlessly capture screenshots of the Cogniac web app, enhancing their feedback with annotations like comments, drawings, and other visual cues. This invaluable visual feedback is seamlessly sent to project managers, developers, or support teams, offering a comprehensive report on issues, bugs, and user experiences.

How Usersnap Works:

Users can easily activate Usersnap’s widget while browsing the Cogniac web app to take screenshots or record their experience. They can enhance the image with powerful annotation tools such as freehand drawing, text comments, arrows, and highlights, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

In the screenshot below, users can see where the UI Feedback button is located.  

The second screenshot shows the UI options and what is the information we collect and require from users.

Once the user/s have shared their feedback, they will see the below pop-up screen.

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