- 22 Dec 2023
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CloudCore Management of Edgeflows
- Updated on 22 Dec 2023
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An EdgeFlow performs GPU-accelerated inference for on-premises data sources, e.g., network cameras located on a production line can directly communicate with an EdgeFlow for near real-time inference. The EdgeFlow can communicate with Cogniac cloud infrastructure for downloading models, uploading statistics, and selecting images for feedback.
Every EdgeFlow object has the following fields.
Name | Example | Description |
gateway_id | "Ajr2t45p" | A unique ID used to identify the EdgeFlow. |
name | "Headquarters office gateway" | EdgeFlow name, should be brief and descriptive. |
description | "Security cameras gateway" | EdgeFlow description should be a brief yet complete description of the focus of this gateway. |
location | "cogniac-hq" | Location of the EdgeFlow. |
poll_interval | 20 | The interval at which updates to the EdgeFlow configuration are implemented in the system in seconds. |
model | EdgeFlow-RM-M20 | The EdgeFlow's device model. |
mac_address | "01-23-45-67-89-ab" | The media access control (MAC) address of the gateway device. The MAC address is obtained from the first Ethernet device discovered on the EdgeFlow. The value is immutable. |
serial_number | "1234567-890-aabb" | The serial number of the EdgeFlow device. |
ip_address | "" | The IP of the gateway device. Assigned based on the IP address of the requesting device during EdgeFlow creation. |
Model Deployment Policy | "latest" | This field is used to control which models the EdgeFlow uses for inference. There are 3 options: |
created_at | 1463179215.124683 | Unix timestamp. |
modified_at | 1463179215.124683 | Unix timestamp. |
created_by | "admin-user@cognicac.co" | The user that created the EdgeFlow. |
tenant_id | "rt06diepwc3i" | The tenant ID for the EdgeFlow. |
input subjects | "input_subject_1" | A list of input subjects that can be used to invoke /1/process/<input_subject_uid> calls to the local inference API. |
There are additional fields when querying the status of a Gateway. They are listed on Gateways - Status page.