Count Application
  • 18 Jan 2024
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Count Application

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Article summary

Count Applications

Count applications identify the number of instances in which a single subject is positively associated with a media item.

Creating a Count Application

Count applications require the following fields:

  • An application name, e.g., 'Car Counter'.

  • A list, output_subjects, with a single output subject to identify within the input media, e.g., 'car'.

  • An integer, min_count, denotes the minimum allowable number of instances of the subject in media. If, during feedback, a user asserts that less than min_count instances of a subject are present, the application will automatically update the min_count value to reflect that.

  • An integer, max_count, denotes the maximum allowable number of instances of the subject in media. If, during feedback, a user asserts that more than max_count instances of a subject are present, the application will automatically update the max_count value to reflect that.

To view additional, optional application creation fields and their default values, see Applications - Create.

You can see the complete Count app creation flow → [Here].

Count Feedback

When providing feedback in a Count application, only one output subject is required, with the total count of subject instances identified in the subject-media association's app_data field, with an app_data_type of count.

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