- 11 Aug 2023
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EdgeFlow security updates
- Updated on 11 Aug 2023
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EdgeFlow security updates
How does Cogniac ensures security updates on EdgeFlow
Cogniac understands security patches for EdgeFlow operating system are important part of security, especially knowing that the EdgeFlows are deployed inside the customers IT infrastructure.
Required security updates for the EdgeFlow operating system are checked every month and if there are security patches available for the base system they are incorporated in the monthly build and version of the EdgeFlow software.
In case any security vulnerability is discovered in the base operating system which is extreme threat and for which the patch is available Cogniac makes reasonable effort to incorporate the fix as quickly as possible and make a EdgeFlow version available to our customers which addresses that specific vulnerability.
Monitoring and delivering security update (when available) on a monthly basis allows Cogniac to to respond to security threats quickly at the same time maintaining balance with customers need to update the EdgeFlow software.