Workflow Update
  • 07 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Workflow Update

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Article summary


This document is in addition to the Workflow Creation and Deployment document. You can also view this tutorial outlining the steps written in the following document:

How to update an existing Workflow?

Once a Workflow is created, it can be accessed in the ‘Deployment Workflows’ section. Please see the screenshot below:

Once the users navigate to the Workflows page, they should expand and select the Workflow they would want to update.

On the bottom of the page, there is a button called Workflow Update, and by selecting it, users can update the following Workflow parameters:

  • Auto Version Update -> Active / Inactive - this option allows the user to deploy the latest version once there is a Workflow Update (When the User adds or removes Applications )

  • Name / Description - are parameters that can be updated anytime

  • EdgeFlow version can’t be updated once the Workflow is created.

  • Applications - Add/ Remove - To add an application, Users should type either an Application Name or Application ID (Application ID is a unique identifier and allows the users to filter the exact application if there are many applications with the same name)

Users can select the Pipeline View to expand the Applications included in the following Workflow.

Once the users have finished adding/removing apps or updating the Workflow, they should click on the Save Changes button to generate the latest version of the Workflow.

Once a new model is released, a new workflow version will also be pushed. If the Auto Version Update is enabled, the latest Workflow version will be automatically deployed with the latest model release.

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