Tenants - Delete
  • 06 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Tenants - Delete

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Article summary

Users with write privileges to a Tenant may delete the Tenant. If the Tenant to be deleted is the only Tenant the User is a member of, the User will be deleted from the system.

Delete Tenant

DELETE /1/tenants/{tenant_id}
Host: https://api.cogniac.io

Example: Delete a Tenant

curl - X DELETE https://api.cogniac.io/1/tenants/63QhzFLc9tg4 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz"
import requests

my_headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz"}

res = requests.delete("https://api.cogniac.io/1/tenants/63QhzFLc9tg4",
HTTP 204 Code (with no body)

Tenant Deletion

All subjects and applications must be deleted from the tenant to delete a tenant. If there is an attempt to delete a tenant that still contains applications or subjects, the delete request will fail with an error.

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