- 04 Jan 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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Network Cameras - Retrieve
- Updated on 04 Jan 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Retrieve Network Cameras
An existing Network Camera object can be retrieved, updated, and deleted through the Network Cameras endpoint.
network_camera_id | The unique identifier of the Network Camera object to be retrieved. |
url | Camera's media URL. |
camera_name | User-specified camera name included as a tag with all detections from this camera. |
description | Additional user-provided description of the network camera. |
active | True = Camera is active - frames will be processed by the camera. There is no direct control of the camera. |
tenant_id | The tenant ID for the network camera |
hae | Height above ellipsoid expressed in meters. |
lon | longitudinal location of camera |
lat | latitudinal location of camera |
create_at | Unix timestamp at time of camera creation |
modified_at | Unix timestamp of last modification |
created_by | User who created camera |
GET /1/networkCameras/{network_camera_id}
Host: https://api.cogniac.io
curl -X GET https://api.cogniac.io/1/networkCameras/CNNMFHH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
| json_pp
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
url_prefix = 'https://api.cogniac.io'
api_version = "1"
camera_id = 'CNNMFHH'
token = '' # add your token here
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
url = f'{url_prefix}/{api_version}/networkCameras/{camera_id}'
res = requests.post(url, headers=headers)
if res.status_code == 200:
response_data = json.loads(res.content)
print(f"Error: {res.status_code}, {res.text}")
{'IP_config_current': None,
'IP_config_options': None,
'active': True,
'alt_subject_uid': ['cracked_glass_subject_2de'],
'camera_name': 'Basler Camera 1',
'ch_px': None,
'created_at': 1670604509.201616,
'created_by': 'test@cogniac.co',
'current_IP': '',
'current_subnet_mask': None,
'custom_configuration': {'livestream': 1},
'cv_px': None,
'default_gateway': None,
'description': 'test basler cam',
'device_mode': None,
'device_version': None,
'discovered_by': None,
'focal_length_h_mm': None,
'focal_length_v_mm': None,
'gateway_id': None,
'genicam_features': None,
'genicam_xml': None,
'gige_features': None,
'hae': None,
'last_model_change_timestamp': None,
'last_pose_change_timestamp': None,
'lat': None,
'lon': None,
'mac_address': None,
'manufacturer_info': None,
'manufacturer_name': None,
'model_name': None,
'modified_at': 1700862423.433624,
'network_camera_id': 'CNNMFHH',
'orientation': None,
'origin_x': None,
'origin_y': None,
'pitch': None,
'pixel_h_um': None,
'pixel_v_um': None,
'radial_distortion_coefficients': None,
'resolution_h_px': None,
'resolution_v_px': None,
'roll': None,
'serial_number': None,
'skew': None,
'spec_version_major': None,
'spec_version_minor': None,
'subject_uid': 'basler_camera_6mf',
'tangential_distortion_coefficients': None,
'tenant_id': 'd16jdqt1h71f',
'tx_m': None,
'ty_m': None,
'tz_m': None,
'url': 'gigv://',
'user_defined_name': None,
'x_axis_x': None,
'x_axis_y': None,
'y_axis_x': None,
'y_axis_y': None,
'yaw': None,
'z_axis_x': None,
'z_axis_y': None}
These fields are defined in the "Network Cameras Create" section.
Retrieve Network Cameras associated with a gateway
GET /1/gateways/{gateway_id}/networkCameras
Host: https://api.cogniac.io
This responds with details of network cameras which are associated with given gateway_id
curl -X GET https://api.cogniac.io/1/gateways/bcufgmp7/networkCameras \
-H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
| json_pp
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
url_prefix = 'https://api.cogniac.io'
api_version = "1"
gateway_id = 'bcufgmp7'
token = 'abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz' # add your token here
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # Fixed the headers
url = f'{url_prefix}/{api_version}/gateways/{gateway_id}/networkCameras'
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if res.status_code == 200:
response_data = json.loads(res.content)
print(f"Error: {res.status_code}, {res.text}")
Example Response
{'data': [{'IP_config_current': '6',
'IP_config_options': '7',
'active': True,
'alt_subject_uid': None,
'camera_name': 'Line 1 Camera',
'ch_px': None,
'created_at': 1616526220.104424,
'created_by': 'edgeflow-dlqvuoxv',
'current_IP': '',
'current_subnet_mask': '',
'custom_configuration': None,
'cv_px': None,
'default_gateway': '',
'description': 'manufacturer_name: Basler\n'
'model_name: acA4112-8gc\n'
'serial_number: 40048962\n'
'device_version: 107412-08\n'
'mac: 00:30:53:35:cf:bc\n',
'device_mode': '2147483649',
'device_version': '107412-08',
'discovered_by': 'dlqvuoxv',
'focal_length_h_mm': None,
'focal_length_v_mm': None,
'gateway_id': 'dlqvuoxv',
'genicam_features': None,
'genicam_xml': None,
'gige_features': None,
'hae': None,
'last_model_change_timestamp': None,
'last_pose_change_timestamp': None,
'lat': None,
'lon': None,
'mac_address': '00:30:53:35:cf:bc',
'manufacturer_info': 'none',
'manufacturer_name': 'Basler',
'model_name': 'acA4112-8gc',
'modified_at': 1630337298.615112,
'network_camera_id': 'FEMCVVQ',
'orientation': None,
'origin_x': None,
'origin_y': None,
'pitch': None,
'pixel_h_um': None,
'pixel_v_um': None,
'radial_distortion_coefficients': None,
'resolution_h_px': None,
'resolution_v_px': None,
'roll': None,
'serial_number': '40048962',
'skew': None,
'spec_version_major': '2',
'spec_version_minor': None,
'subject_uid': 'basler_aca41128gc_40048962_1oy',
'tangential_distortion_coefficients': None,
'tenant_id': 'abcdefgh',
'tx_m': None,
'ty_m': None,
'tz_m': None,
'url': 'gigv://',
'user_defined_name': None,
'x_axis_x': None,
'x_axis_y': None,
'y_axis_x': None,
'y_axis_y': None,
'yaw': None,
'z_axis_x': None,
'z_axis_y': None}]}
These fields are defined in the "Network Cameras Create" section.