- 15 Jan 2024
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- Updated on 15 Jan 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Video files no larger than 150MB can be uploaded into the Edgeflow using the /1/video API. These files must be passed into a video segmentation application for further processing. The segmentation application will create individual JPEG files from the video stream and forward these to downstream applications.
An example of a typical workflow using a video segmentation application is shown below. The input source can be an HTTP input application for example.
The configuration of the video segmentation application requires a frames per second value. Frames are sample at the specified rate from the incoming video file or stream and JPEGs are created which are sent to a downstream application. Example configuration:
POST /1/video/{subject_uid}
HOST: http://<gateway ip address or hostname>:8000
Additional arguments can be provided as part of form-data.
Argument | Description | Example |
external_media_id | (optional) arbitrary external id for this media. | test-one-mp4-tag |
media_timestamp | (optional) actual timestamp of media creation/occurrence time | 1604007056.62 |
user_id | (optional) user originating request | support_user@cogniac.co |
domain_unit | (optional) domain id for set assignment grouping or allowing correlation between groups of images | "test-domain-1" |
async_resp | (optional) If set to False, will respond with all assertions from all downstream apps. Default: True - will send a response once a video-segmentation app has completed creating JPEG images form the incoming media. It is recommended that the POST URL feature is used to send retrieve detections from downstream applications. | aync_resp = False |
The response status code can be one of the following:
Status Code | Description |
200 | Image included in json response message |
403 | Invalid Media - unsupported or corrupted media file |
404 | Subject UID not found - subject uid not configured in HTTP Input application |
500 | Cannot parse input data - invalid additional data. |
504 | Backend system timeout processing media. |
An example JSON formatted response is shown below. The primary key is 'detections' which, when the async_resp input value is set to false will return the status from the video-segmentation application. When set to true, the detections from downstream applications will be included as part fo the list of detections - in a similar output format to the /1/process API. The media section of the response contains details of how the input media was processed.
{'detections': [{'app_data': None,
'app_data_type': None,
'app_id': '61i8zlcg',
'assertion_prefix': None,
'created_at': 1626276844.395973,
'detection_id': None,
'domain_unit': None,
'external_media_id': 'at_httpinput_6eu-1626276843011176',
'filename': None,
'focus': None,
'input_subject_association': {'probability': 1.0,
'subject_uid': 'at_httpinput_6e'},
'media_md5': '8eaac673ca127288df5d5057896649a0',
'model_id': None,
'other_subject_associations': [],
'uncal_prob': None,
'user_id': None}],
'media': {'app_id': '61i8zlcg',
'capture_timestamp': 1626276844.390501,
'container': ['mov', 'mp4', 'm4a', '3gp', '3g2', 'mj2'],
'duration': 8.4,
'external_media_id': 'at_httpinput_6eu-1626276843011176',
'fps': 25,
'frame': 200,
'height': 576,
'media_format': 'AVC1',
'media_md5': '8eaac673ca127288df5d5057896649a0',
'num_frames': 9,
'num_images': 1,
'segment_num': 1,
'seq_number': 8,
'time_base': 12800,
'timestamp': 1626276844.395973,
'upload_timestamp': 1626276843.01953,
'user_id': None,
'video_context': '/tmp/8586c61bcec3249a6fe0ca14888ef736.mp4',
'width': 704}}
API Usage example
import requests
from time import time
URL_PREFIX = 'http://%s:8000/%d/' % (GATEWAY_HOST_IP, API_VERSION)
SUBJECT_UID = 'drone_images_6op'
filename = 'tesvideo.mp4'
files = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')}
data = {"media_timestamp": time(),
'uploaded_by_user': 'foouser@cogniac.co',
'domain_unit': 'test_domain_1',
'aysnc_resp': True}
resp = requests.post(URL_PREFIX + 'video/%s' % SUBJECT_UID, data=data, files=files, timeout=TIMEOUT_SECS)
if resp.status_code == 200:
detections = resp.json()