- 18 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Applications - Consensus
- Updated on 18 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Consensus History
The Application Consensus History returns subject-media consensus counts over time for the output subjects of the application.
Consensus History
Currently the Application consensus history is limited to 1 year. Through the SDK users will also get only at most a years worth of data.
Argument | Example | Description |
start unix timestamp | 1234567890 | (optional) Earliest timestamp of subject-media consensus records to return. If the start timestamp is not specified, it defaults to a year before the end timestamp. |
end unix timestamp | 1234567890 | (optional) The latest timestamp of subject-media consensus records to return. If the end timestamp is not specified, it defaults to the current time. |
limit integer | 10 | (optional) Max number of records (per subject) to return. |
user_id string | user@cogniac.co | (optional) Returns consensus counts for subject-media correctly asserted by the given user. |
GET /1/applications/{app_id}/consensusHistory
Host: https://api.cogniac.io
Example: Retrieve Application Subject Consensus History
curl -X GET https://api.cogniac.io/1/applications/ra7vf9zl/consensusHistory?limit=2 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz" \
| json_pp
import requests
import json
my_headers = {"Authorization":"Bearer abcdefg.hijklmnop.qrstuvwxyz"}
resp = requests.get("https://api.cogniac.io/1/applications/ra7vf9zl/consensusHistory?limit=2",
if resp.status_code == 200:
formatted_json = json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=2)
print(f"Error: {resp.status_code}")
"data": [
"timestamp": 1683314460.0,
"subjects": {
"datelhcopy_3te": {
"All": 62
"steellhcopy_0pl": {
"All": 70
"wheel_stylelhcopy_9zb": {
"All": 58
"plantlhcopy_0ys": {
"All": 70
"timestamp": 1683314520.0,
"subjects": {
"serial_nunberlhcopy_3xa": {
"All": 89
"steellhcopy_0pl": {
"All": 70
"datelhcopy_3te": {
"All": 62
"plantlhcopy_0ys": {
"All": 70
"wheel_stylelhcopy_9zb": {
"All": 58