- 22 Dec 2023
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API Overview
- Updated on 22 Dec 2023
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Cogniac has a full public API that exposes all of the system functionality. The Cogniac web and mobile applications are implemented using the Cogniac public API.
Our API uses resource-oriented URLs and HTTP response codes to describe API errors, and it works with any standard library such as cURL, urllib, etc. Most API requests require an access token you can generate using a valid user email and password combination.
Basic API Structure
The API is comprised of:
Nodes - objects such as a User, Tenant, Application, or Detection
Edges - connections between nodes, such as a Tenant's Applications
Fields - information about Nodes, such as a Tenant's description or a User's email address
An id in the API uniquely defines each Node
Where '1' is the API version you intend to use
GET https://api.cogniac.io/1/{node-id}
GET https://api.cogniac.io/1/{node-id}/{edge-name}
All API requests must be made over HTTPS - API requests made over HTTP will fail.
When using request libraries, the Cogniac API seamlessly accepts JSON parameters in the API requests. Depending on the request library, you may see errors if specifying the Content-Type header, so our guidance is to not use this header for JSON or media/files or requests.
You can find the current API version by calling the /version endpoint.
GET https://api.cogniac.io/1/version
The response will include the API version, build number, and build time.
"build_time": "2016-12-14:06:08"
You can also GET past API versions through a GET /1/version call, for example, which will return metadata for previous API versions.